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All Purpose Soothing Balm & Diaper Lotion

Have you started (or finished?!?) your holiday shopping yet?  This year I am endeavoring to make as many gifts as possible and I am excited to have found some great ideas using essential oils. This first recipe is something I have been making for a few years now and is pretty much considered a necessity around here.  

When my kids were babies I cloth diapered them and one of my greatest frustrations was finding a diaper lotion that was both cloth diaper safe as well as effective.  After a lot of searching I found a natural brand that met my criteria, but it was *very* expensive.  The ingredients were fairly simple though and after a bit of experimenting I was able to develop a recipe that I was happy with and worked well for us.

I don't actually need diaper lotion in my house anymore, but the same ingredients that make good diaper lotion also happen to make an excellent soothing balm that can be used to relieve a whole host of skin irritations including eczema, rashes, insect bites, burns and even chapped lips.  We have replaced Polysporin with this balm and have not looked back once. I even use this lotion on my hands and face when I am in need of some deep moisturizing during the dry winter months.

The process is very simple:

Assemble your ingredients (scroll down for the full recipe).

Combine the olive oil, shea butter, cocoa butter, coconut oil & beeswax in a double boiler over medium heat.

Stir gently until everything is melted.

Allow the mixture to cool to room temperature before adding the essential oils.  It is optional, but if desired, transfer to the bowl of your mixer and whip until the desired consistency is reached.

Transfer the lotion to a glass container with an airtight lid.  I like to use a small mason jar but a clean baby food jar would also work well.

I made a triple batch and it filled four 125ml mason jars about 3/4 of the way full.  I estimate that a single recipe (as written below) would fill a 125ml jar to the top.

The balm will stay good for up to 12 months thanks to properties of the essential oils.  I am going to be giving these ones as gifts to some of the new mom's on my Christmas list. Shhh, don't tell them!

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