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All Purpose Soothing Balm & Diaper Lotion

Have you started (or finished?!?) your holiday shopping yet?  This year I am endeavoring to make as many gifts as possible and I am excited to have found some great ideas using essential oils. This first recipe is something I have been making for a few years now and is pretty much considered a necessity around here.  

When my kids were babies I cloth diapered them and one of my greatest frustrations was finding a diaper lotion that was both cloth diaper safe as well as effective.  After a lot of searching I found a natural brand that met my criteria, but it was *very* expensive.  The ingredients were fairly simple though and after a bit of experimenting I was able to develop a recipe that I was happy with and worked well for us.

Thieves Essential Oil

This article is the third in our "Living the Essential Life" series by Danielle McElroy.  Danielle is an oil enthusiast who enjoys living the natural life with her cat in a cozy cottage in the Boonies.  We are very fortunate to have Danielle as a part of our team applying her excellent research skills to the field of aromatherapy and essential oils.   

It's November and this month Young Living's Canadian promo items are all from the Thieves line-- just in time for cold and flu season.  You can get FREE Thieves products with any order of 190 PV or more.  (For more details check out Young Living Thieves Free Promo Items).  This is going to make a lot of folks happy out there because Thieves products are a huge favorite due to their effectiveness and versatility.

If you've never tried any of the Thieves products yet, you are probably wondering, “What's all the fuss about?”  and, “Why the weird name?”  For newcomers, here is your crash course in Thieves.

Thieves Household Cleaner

If you have been using essential oils for any amount of time, then you probably already love the thieves oil blend. But have you heard about Young Living's amazing, all-natural, non-toxic, and highly effective, Thieves household cleaner?

When my sister first told me about it I remember rolling my eyes (we were talking on the phone). While my mouth was saying “wow, that sounds really great”, my mind was thinking “there is no way that I am ever going to spend $30 on a bottle of cleaner”.  

The funny part was that I had transitioned to all natural cleaners years ago and I’ve actually paid $30 for a bottle of cleaner more than once.   I actually had quite an embarrassingly large collection of expensive, and mostly only partially used, natural cleaners in my kitchen and laundry room.  


This website is for education and informational purposes only. None of the statements made have been evaluated by the FDA or any other official agency. The information provided is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

We are not medical professionals; we are simply sharing our experiences as we journey to better health for ourselves and our families. Please discuss your individual situation with a qualified medical practioner before implementing any changes based upon discussions on this site.


We are Independent Distributors of Young Living Essential Oils and earn commissions from sales. We may also collect fees from purchases made through affiliate links on this site in order to support our blogging activities and allow us to continue developing resources for the benefit of our readers.