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How I Use Grapefruit Essential Oil

By now you've probably seen this month's Young Living promotions for the Canadian market.  I was very excited when I received the promo flier as all three of these oils are among my favorite and most used.  In fact, I was planning to purchase both Peppermint and Grapefruit this month so it was awesome to receive them for free with my essential rewards order this month!

We have already covered some of Peppermint Oil's amazing uses in a previous post so I wanted to share some of the ways that I like to use grapefruit essential oil in our home:

Air Purification: Diffuse grapefruit oil to freshen the air and leave your home smelling clean. You can also mix a few drops of grapefruit oil with water in a spray bottle (on the mist setting) and use it as a room spray, just make sure you shake it well before spraying.

Detoxing & Stress Relieving Bath: Simply mix 5 drops of grapefruit essential oil and 1 to 2 sups of epsom salts in a warm bath to create a relaxing and purifying bath.  Make sure to soak for at least 20 minutes to get the full benefits.

Support Digestion: Add a drop of grapefruit oil to some coconut oil (or other carrier oil of choice) and massage over the abdomen in a clockwise motion to stimulate and support healthy digestion.

Boost Energy Levels: Grapefruit oil is very uplifting and revitalizing.  Diffuse the oil or rub a drop on your chest to provide a natural energy boost.  It also works well to help combat jet lag (or the effects of being up all night with a sick child!)

As a Skin Toner: Combine 1 cup distilled water, 2 Tbsp vinegar (white or apple cider) and 5 drops of grapefruit oil in a glass jar.  Shake well before applying to a cotton ball and using as a toner after washing your face.

Support Menstruation: 2 to 3 drops of grapefruit essential oil in carrier oil can be massaged on the abdominal area to ease the discomfort of monthly cramps and can also help stimulate a delayed menstruation.

Headache Relief: While peppermint essential oil is known as an effective headache remedy, some people find its scent to be too strong. Grapefruit essential oil applied topically to the head (diluted if you have sensitive skin), specifically the temples, can provide relief from the pain of headaches and migraines.

What is your favorite way to use grapefruit essential oil? 

1 comment:

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