blank'/> Well-Oiled Chaos: January 2015


How I Use Grapefruit Essential Oil

By now you've probably seen this month's Young Living promotions for the Canadian market.  I was very excited when I received the promo flier as all three of these oils are among my favorite and most used.  In fact, I was planning to purchase both Peppermint and Grapefruit this month so it was awesome to receive them for free with my essential rewards order this month!

We have already covered some of Peppermint Oil's amazing uses in a previous post so I wanted to share some of the ways that I like to use grapefruit essential oil in our home:

Peppermint Essential Oil 2.0

Think peppermint essential oil is just a common garden-variety kind of oil? One that is merely good for indigestion or the occasional headache? Think again. Peppermint oil may not have an exotic or regal reputation like frankincense oil, or even a cool historical legend attached to it like Thieves oil blend, but peppermint oil is anything but ordinary.

Put on your scientific cap with me for a moment and take another look at this old favorite. Research on essential oils is revealing some interesting data on the humble Mentha piperita plant (aka peppermint). Science is starting to view peppermint as a complex essential oil with a wide range of health benefits. For example, peppermint can help:


This website is for education and informational purposes only. None of the statements made have been evaluated by the FDA or any other official agency. The information provided is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

We are not medical professionals; we are simply sharing our experiences as we journey to better health for ourselves and our families. Please discuss your individual situation with a qualified medical practioner before implementing any changes based upon discussions on this site.


We are Independent Distributors of Young Living Essential Oils and earn commissions from sales. We may also collect fees from purchases made through affiliate links on this site in order to support our blogging activities and allow us to continue developing resources for the benefit of our readers.