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Essential Oil Deodorant Creme

Throughout the course of my childhood, my mom went on a few different “health” kicks that dramatically affected what was served for dinner and what kind of shampoo (or lack of) you could find in our bathroom.  I didn’t always appreciate her efforts though.  As a young teen I didn’t really care if they were full of hormone disrupting carcinogens, I just wanted pretty smelling lotion and shower gel.  And peanut butter with added sugar.

I particularly remember when my Mom read somewhere that antiperspirant was full of aluminum and possibly linked to breast cancer.   I now fully agree with her decision to switch to natural deodorant,
but at the time I was ready to run away over it.  In fact, I distinctly remember having a conversation with a friend whose mother was also “crunchy” and both of us adamantly declared that we would rather get cancer than stink.  Not one of my prouder moments looking back, but I was 15 and a little bit short-sighted.  

At any rate, the fact that they did not work, combined with my belief in my own invincibility, caused me to launch a secret rebellion against natural deodorant products.  I maintained my own stash of contraband antiperspirant for when I had to go out in public so that I wouldn’t be embarrassed by body odor.  In hindsight, given that I grew up in the 90’s, there were probably a lot of other things that I did that were more embarrassing than using natural deodorant, but at the time Doc Martin’s and Lee Storm Rider jackets seemed soooo cool….

The point I am trying to get to is this – I have always had issues regarding deodorant and body odor (if only in my own mind).  Even when I started switching all of our other personal care products to more natural versions, “real” deodorant was the one thing I couldn’t give up, even though every time I applied it I envisioned that I was rolling on cancer. 

Finally last year, in an effort to be consistent with all the stuff I was telling everyone else to do, I switched to a natural, baking soda based crème deodorant that I discovered online, and to my surprise, it actually worked better than the “real” stuff I had been using previously.  I felt a bit stupid, to say the least. 

I’ve now completely weaned myself off of buying any kind of deodorant.  It’s taken a bit of trial and error but I have finally concocted a recipe for crème deodorant that works well.  To apply, simply rub a pea- sized amount under your armpit.  I am also working on a stick version and will post that recipe when (if) I am successful.  

One quick note – this mixture has a bit of a tendency to separate in warm weather.  I believe that adding a small amount of melted beeswax would probably solve this problem but I haven’t done so yet as it really doesn’t bother me to have to stir the deodorant occasionally.


  1. As your mother I had a few good laughs reading your side of the story. It is so good to be working with you now instead of against you. I have been switching back and forth also for many years. After all these years I still have not yet found a deodorant recipe I am happy with, so I am definately going to try this one. Too bad I didn't find this recipe before you left home. Maybe your life would have been easier :)

  2. This looks great! I've only recently clued into the fact that you can make homemade deodorant that actually works, and isn't too difficult to make or expensive, can't wait to try this one!

  3. Thank you Rachel for perfecting this recipe for us!! I made this recipe and so far it's been working really well for me!!! I put Frankincense, Orange, Lime, and Lemon into mine, but will have to try out some other oils as well in the future.....


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