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Ocotea Essential Oil

If you are like me, when you first saw the word “Ocotea” some questions immediately popped into your mind: What is it? What can it do for me? And most of do I pronounce it? Here are some answers.

Ocotea (pronounced: Oh-koh-tay-ah) is a tropical plant found primarily in the Americas. There are over 300 species of Ocotea, many of them being evergreen trees. Young Living's Ocotea essential oil is made from the female trees of the species Ocotea quixos, which are grown and distilled on Young Living's farm in Ecuador. Ocotea trees are often huge, with some growing to be 60 feet tall or higher.


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We are not medical professionals; we are simply sharing our experiences as we journey to better health for ourselves and our families. Please discuss your individual situation with a qualified medical practioner before implementing any changes based upon discussions on this site.


We are Independent Distributors of Young Living Essential Oils and earn commissions from sales. We may also collect fees from purchases made through affiliate links on this site in order to support our blogging activities and allow us to continue developing resources for the benefit of our readers.